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One moment, please.Free Developer Software & Services - Visual Studio

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5 Incredible Features in the Visual Studio Preview - Still want an older version? 


- Microsoft visual studio 2015 features free


In a world where apps target multiple platforms, Microsoft has been evolving its products and its framework in order to stay relevant. Its commitment to Open Source and enhancing developer experiences across platforms has been illustrated multiple times, the recent ones being the core CLR made open source, a full-featured free Community edition of Visual Studiothe next version of open-source.

This article is published from the DotNetCurry. NET professionals published once every two months. Subscribe to this geatures for Free and get studo to hundreds of free. NET tutorials from experts. Visual Studio showcases significant technology improvements that enhances the way developers work.

NET 5, including regular feature updates. A good developer is one who wants to effectively write clean and error free code. However there are a number of challenges that occur frequently in this process and hamper productivity.

Some of these frequently encountered challenges are:. Visual Studio provides solutions to most of these challenges and with every new release, new enhancements and features are released which makes the life of a featuree easier. In the following article, we will discuss some new developer friendly featurs in Visual Studio which ultimately increases productivity.

NET Application. The ASP. NET Application refers to the class library to make database calls. Microsoft visual studio 2015 features free working with.

NET applications, it /9090.txt a rule that we must declare a variable first, before using it. Consider the following code. We need to calculate Tax for an Employee based upon some calculations:. This code has a red squiggle indicating that taxRule is missing from the code. The lightbulb icon shown in the following image provides quick freee for understanding the error and correcting it.

This icon appears when you hover over the relevant code or when you have the cursor on the same line. The Figure shows quick action preview for code refactoring. Microsoft visual studio 2015 features free on the selection, the taxRule will be declared in the code and the error will be removed. Similarly we can make use of Syntax Error Assistance for a class implementing an interface. VS IDE fere a lightbulb with quick action information which microaoft the methods from the interface that are not implemented by the class.

On clicking on Show potential fixes at the bottom, VS offers to generate these methods for you:. The Syntax Error Assistance helps developers to reduce syntax errors that festures occur in code, thereby improving productivity. This provides help mocrosoft possible code читать статью along with microsoft visual studio 2015 features free preview for the same. As a good coding practice, we should eliminate the unnecessary namespaces as feattures in the following figure.

The figure shows gray colored namespace references which are atudio. The light bulb icons appears with the Code Suggestions. The advantage of the preview changes link is that developers get a clear idea of which namespaces are not necessary for the current code, and preview the changes before removing the unused namespaces.

The figure also shows the Fix all occurrences in Document Project Solution option, which can be used to eliminate unnecessary references at current document, Project and Solution level. Code Suggestion is also used to remove unnecessary code. Open the Dal. In the DataAccess class, we have the following overloaded Get methods:. The above code frew inline temporary variable emps and emp to store resultant value. The methods return this temporary inline variable.

We are not really using these variables for microsoft visual studio 2015 features free other business operation, so as a good coding practice, we посетить страницу eliminate these variables altogether using Code Suggestions Quick Actions.

Right click on the emp declaration and select Quick Actions from the menu:. In the fetures, we just saw that the Dark Pink highlights show possible code changes. On clicking on Preview Changesthe modified code will be displayed as shown here:.

Our applications are divided into several layers e. DataAccess, Business Logic, etc. If we want to rename these classes and methods because of some reason, we need to check where these methods are used in the code, and rename them one-by-one.

This is a time consuming step. We have been provided with Renaming Experience microsoft visual studio 2015 features free, which helps читать статью easily rename types, methods, xml comments etc. To explore this new enhancement, open Dal. The method has the following code:.

Once the rename is done, the following code change will читать статью displayed:. Visual Studio highlights all instances and the changed variable now has a gray rectangle.

A quick action light bulb is displayed on the line. The Lightbulb displays the following options of renaming:. The preview shows us the expected modified code. The Quick Action allows us to immediately rename the variable. We can also perform Renaming fee the Context menu. To experience this, locate the Delete method in the DataAccess class. This method has the following code:. The same emp variable is used in comments applied on the method.

This shows emp references with checkboxes for including Comments, strings, etc. How cool is that! But here we also need to think of renaming conflicts. What if in the same delete method, we have one more EmployeeInfo object declared? See the following code. Studioo we have empDataa new object.

In the previous steps, we microsoft visual studio 2015 features free renaming inline variables. This is a major step efatures methods can usually be accessed across other layers of the application. So naturally renaming in one layer, should promote renaming in the calling layers too.

In our Dal. This is an overloaded method and it is accessed in the EmployeeForm. Open Dal. The following box appears:. The overloaded Get method is not selected. To select it, from the box, select the Include Overload fere checkbox. The overloaded Microsoft visual studio 2015 features free method will get selected as shown in the following figure:. Select the Proview Changes checkbox from the top-right dialog box and rename Get to GetData and click on Apply button.

This will show the Preview Window as shown here:. The VS IDE renaming helps to perform easy code management as far as renaming of variables and methods across layers are concerned. In the Code Suggestion section, visuao have already seen how to eliminate unnecessary local variables. But consider a scenario where some methods have some logic written frde them:.

In studko above visuwl, the logic fires query on the EmployeeInfo and retrieves Employees based upon DeptName. The result is further converted into a list. Feel free to consider an even more complex example here.

Select the above code, right click and select Quick Actions:. The code will microsoft visual studio 2015 features free modified as shown here:. The code now becomes a little simpler to understand and is divided into two steps. The queryable variable name generated can be renamed as per the steps discussed in the Renaming using context menu section of this article.

Configuration of the breakpoint in VS IDE has been improved and it has been made easier and provides a studdio user experience. An inline toolbar has been provided using which vsual can be enabled or disabled. Breakpoint configuration is provided with conditions and actions. Conditions tell the debugger to only pass the breakpoint when the debugger reaches to that line of code and when defined conditions are true.

Actions define the operations to take place when the breakpoint condition is true. Consider the following code in the Dal. Stueio the breakpoint in the emps declaration statement 4 th line and you will observe that the breakpoint inline toolbar in the IDE gets microsoft visual studio 2015 features free.

Click on the Miicrosoft icon to bring up the breakpoint settings:. In the above code, now set a breakpoint at kicrosoft closing curly brace microsoft visual studio 2015 features free the foreach loop as shown in the following figure:. Enter settings, pick window and define a condition that the breakpoint should apply when the Htt Count is 3, which means a breakpoint should get applied after the third iteration of the loop.


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